9 Most Dangerous Things to Avoid While Driving: Have You Ever Encountered These?

As more and more people use their cars as their primary means of transportation, driving safety has become more important than ever, and everyone knows that. However, believe it or not, many drivers still rush onto the road with a bottle of liquor or worse. So to protect themselves and others, drivers must always keep in mind these dangerous things to avoid when driving underneath.

9 Most Dangerous Things to Avoid While Driving

What are some dangerous things to avoid while driving? Driving a car is serious business. On crowded streets, a moment of negligence can lead to terrible accidents. Therefore, these habits must be avoided:

1. Drink alcohol

What should I pay attention to when driving a car? Most traffic fatalities are caused by drunk car owners. You may think that drinking a little alcohol before driving won’t hurt anyone. However, the truth is that alcohol affects a driver’s ability to react and make decisions quickly. So never drink and drive!

2. Smoking

Lighting a cigarette means that the driver has to open the window while driving. This action not only affects the atmosphere inside the car, but is also very dangerous: the wind outside will blow the burning ashes directly into your eyes!

Smoking while driving is the most dangerous thing for car owners. So to avoid the risk of burning your car’s furniture, save your cigarettes until you get out of the car.

3. Use your phone

One of the most dangerous mistakes when driving is using a mobile phone. Sadly, texting or calling on a moving car is a very common habit among car owners. Even for professional drivers, a few seconds of distraction can lead to poor results if they are only on the steering wheel with one hand.

4. Eat and drink

What are some dangerous things to avoid while driving? Eating and drinking is a habit on a list of 9 things to avoid while driving. Every modern car nowadays has a cup holder on the inside, but that doesn’t mean you should drink while driving. When the driver heads up to drink water, his vision will be blocked, and who knows what will happen at that moment. It’s the same with eating.

It is advisable to stop the car, eat and drink to your heart’s content, and move on. Besides, what could be worse than causing an accident while biting into a burger?

5. Sing along to the radio

What should I pay attention to when driving a car? You may think this is strange, however, common behavior is the main cause of most accident cases. Listening to music or singing can distract drivers from hearing car horns. According to English Car Insurance Privilege, many accidents on the highway start with incredible mistakes: drinking coffee, shaving, and singing while driving.

6. Pay attention to ads

The advantage of a good ad is that it catches the eye of the audience. Sometimes, the message or design of the sideways billboard is too good to take your eyes off it. It could be a picture of a sexy girl, or a 50% discount announcement for a product you want, or sometimes a funny sentence that can make you happy. Advertisers always know how to make these road billboards appealing to you. For drivers, advertising is their worst nightmare on the road. Since car owners are usually attracted by the many large colorful advertisements hanging from the side, there are times when many drivers get into dangerous situations due to this distraction.

7. Wear high heels

Wearing high heels is one of the most dangerous things to avoid while driving (Image Credit: In Gear Auto)

Unless you are sitting in the back seat, it is forbidden to wear these shoes while driving. No one cares what brand of heels you’re sitting in the driver’s seat! Braking, acceleration…… All of these techniques require flexibility in your legs. Drivers should use sneakers or sandals for better reflexes and movement.

8. Overspeeding

It is recommended to maintain a normal speed (Image Credit: Getty Images)

What should I pay attention to when driving a car? Speeding is the second leading cause of traffic fatalities after drunk driving. The faster you go, the more likely you are to crash. It’s common knowledge that everyone knows, but for example, when you’re late for a meeting, drivers tend to drive as fast as they can, resulting in terrible road accidents.

When everyone is driving at the same overall speed, things are more predictable and the roads are safer as a result.

9. Don’t wear a bell

Many countries require safety bells (Credit: Getty Images)

What are some dangerous things to avoid while driving? According to NHTSA, between 2004 and 2008, seatbelts saved more than 75,000 lives. Not only is this a law in various states in the United States, but it also protects your body from sudden impacts while braking. So please remember to wear a safety bell for you and your family, especially your child!

Bonus: If you’re a new driver, watch this video to learn 17 tips you can’t learn in driving school

We hope the list of 9 most dangerous things to avoid while driving mentioned above has been useful to you. If you have any questions about cars or driving tips, drop us a line in the box below and our automotive experts will answer them for you.