Understanding C# Tuple T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 Class

The Tuple <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> classes are used to create a 5-tuple or 5-tuple。 It represents a tuple containing five elements. You can instantiate the Tuple <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> object tuple <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) constructor or create a method from a static tuple. You can use read-only…

Using C# SortedList: Practical Examples

In C#, a SortedList is a collection of key/value pairs that are sorted according to the key. By default, this collection is sorted in ascending order for key/value pairs. It has a collection of generic and non-generic types. The generic SortedList is defined in the System.Collections.Generic namespace, while the non-generic SortedList is defined in the System…

Crafting a Unique C++ Program for Integer Scaling

Write a C (or C++) program to scale (amplify) an integer. It should take an integer from the user and use some pattern to display each digit of that integer in magnified form. Example: This creative program takes an integer from the user, and then prints each bit of that integer after that integer to…

A Guide to Sorting Algorithms in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL)

Sort is one of the most basic functions applied to data. This means that the data is arranged in a specific way, which can be increased or decreased. There is a built-in function in C++ STL called sort(). This function uses IntroSort internally. In more detail, it is implemented using a mix of QuickSort, HeapSort, and InsertionSort. By default,…

Efficient Algorithm for Sorting Elements by Frequency Using Hashing (S4 Approach)

If 2 numbers have the same frequency, the elements of the array are printed at a decreasing frequency, and then the frequency at which the first one occurs. Example: We have discussed the different approaches in the following posts: Sort elements by frequency|S1 Sort elements by frequency|S2 Sort array elements by frequency S3 (using STL)…

Selenium Page Load Strategies: A Comprehensive Guide

Selenium has proven to be a great framework for automated testing. Automated testing speeds up the entire testing process. Although speed is a good thing when testing an app, sometimes you have to slow down and wait. Speed and deceleration are contradictory, but if you want quality and accuracy, it’s okay to wait when you…

Understanding std::is_destructible in C++: A Practical Usage Guide

std::is_destructible template C++ STL exists in <type_traits> header file. The std::is_destructibleC++ STL template is used to check if it is destructible. One class is called destructible, and its destructor is not removed and may be accessible in the derived class. A boolean value is returned true if the following conditions are met: T is a destructible…

Acing the SRIB Internship Interview: Your Guide

The recruitment process took place in three rounds. Round 1 (Coding): It consists of three programming questions, each with a different set of questions. Here’s what I received: Round 2 (Technique I): The interview took place on Skype. Recruiters focus primarily on programming issues and less on projects: The recruiters were supportive and the round…

Java’s Dijkstra Algorithm: Shortest Paths with PriorityQueue

Given a graph with adjacency tables representing the edges between nodes, the task is to implement Dijkstra’s algorithm for a single-source shortest path using a priority queue in Java. Given a graph and a source vertex in the graph, find the shortest path from the source to all vertices in a given graph. We have already discussed the shortest…

Predicting Breast Cancer Diagnosis: A Machine Learning Example Using Logistic Regression

Data set: It is one of the challenges posed by Kaggle in the UCI Machine Learning repository It is a dataset of breast cancer patients with malignant and benign tumors. Logistic regression is used to predict whether a given patient will have a malignant or benign tumor based on the attributes in a given data set. code:loading libraries Code: Load the dataset…