Top Free Google SEO Tools for Improving Website Ranking

Want to improve your Google SERPs? The following blog post lists the best SEO tools to improve your website’s ranking. What are the best SEO website ranking tools According to statistics, Google displays more than 5 billion search results every day, which shows the importance of optimizing your content for search engines. To make your…

JavaScript Date.parse() Method: Usage Examples

Here’s an example date parsing () method. The date.parse() method is used to know the exact number of milliseconds that have elapsed since midnight on January 1, 1970 to the date we provide. The syntax is as follows: Parameters: This method accepts a single parameter as described above and below: Return Value: It returns an…

Node.js GraphicsMagick: A Beginner’s Guide to the drawLine() Function

The drawLine() function is a built-in function in the GraphicsMagick library that is used to draw a line with specified coordinates. If successful, the function returns the true value. The syntax is as follows: Parameters: This function accepts the four parameters described above and below: Return Value: This function returns a GraphicsMagick object. Example 1: Example 2:

Essential E-Commerce Basics: 5 Key Considerations for Starting Your Online Store

Introduction to the beginner’s guide to opening an online store Over the past few years doing this whole online thing, I’ve spoken to hundreds of people who are considering starting or already starting an e-commerce niche site. It’s easy to think of it as an easy way to make money, build assets, and really monetize…

7 Effective SEO Strategies for E-Commerce Websites

What are the SEO strategies for e-commerce websites? There are about 20 million e-commerce sites on the internet, and in the next 15-20 years, it is expected that more than 90% of all purchases will be made through these online platforms. Chances are you’ve learned from it how startups like Amazon, Flipkart, and others can become giants in the market in…

JavaScript Array: Accessing First and Last Items Made Easy

A Javascript array is a variable that contains multiple values at once. The first and last elements are accessed using the index, the first value is accessed using index 0, and the last element can be accessed via the length property, which has one more value than the highest array index. The program accesses the first and…

Troubleshooting MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION BSOD in Windows 10: Effective Solutions

Marketing is indeed an essential part of numerous businesses today, which includes tasks such as sending emails to customers, running campaigns, indulging in social media marketing, etc., which are also components of customer relationship management (CRM). Now, these tasks are repeated almost every day, so there is a need to streamline workflows and figure out…

Exploring the Top 5 XAMPP Alternatives for Local Web Development Servers in 2024

20 Best Alternatives to XAMPP Servers: Xampp is one of the most popular web servers available on Windows and Linux operating systems. It is an open-source application that is widely used by programmers for website development and testing purposes. Web servers are an integral part of the development process. Every activity done on the internet…

Top Email Clients and Thunderbird Alternatives: A Recommended Collection

What are the best email clients? Many of us have multiple email accounts. It’s cumbersome to manage every single incoming email. Thunderbird helps us do this by connecting to email servers, collecting messages, and replying from one place. Although, many people are now looking for Thunderbird alternatives that offer similar features. So, I’ve prepared a…

Building a Serverless Application with Node.js and AWS Lambda

Serverless architectures are an alternative to high-maintenance, resource-wasting servers. With serverless deployments, you only pay for what you use. It saves you from having to deal with multiple server setups and their configurations. So it’s no surprise that today’s developers flock to serverless applications. With AWS Lambda and serverless frameworks, you can quickly deploy scalable…