Top 10 Mailchimp Alternatives: Unveiling the Best Email Marketing Tools

What are some commonly used email marketing tools? When it comes to meeting email marketing needs, Mailchimp is indeed a name recommended by experts. Your own platform gets noticeable attention, and customers find you in the crowd. However, there are a few reasons why many marketers are looking for Mailchimp alternatives, including a significant price…

Image SEO: A Step-by-Step Guide to Optimizing Images for Your Website

Introduction to the Website Image Optimization Tutorial How can I optimize the images on my website? If you’re a blogger, then you probably already know how important it is to add relevant, high-quality images to your posts. Photos, illustrations, and other images help make your content more appealing and break down blocks of text well….

Use isset() and empty() effectively to check data in PHP

isset() function The isset() function is a built-in function in PHP that checks if a variable is set and that the variable is not NULL. This function also checks if the declared variable, array, or array key has a null value, and if it exists, isset() returns false, and true in all other possible cases. The syntax is as follows:…

SQLMAP: Find and Exploit SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

How to check your website for SQL injection vulnerabilities: This article describes how to use the SQLMAP penetration testing tool to test whether a website can avoid SQL injection. SQLMAP Testing SQL Injection Vulnerability: What is SQL Injection? SQL injection is a code injection technique where an attacker can execute a malicious SQL query that…

JavaScript String Manipulation: Examples & Best Practices

JavaScript strings are used to store and process text. It can contain zero or more characters in quotation marks. Example: The output is as follows: Methods for implementing strings: There are two main ways to implement strings below. Example 1: Use single or double quotes to write strings. The output is as follows: Example 2: As long…

HTML Interview Questions and Answers: Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Experts

This article covers the most common HTML and HTML5 questions in interviews. Introduce: Before we get into the interview questions in the HTML language, let’s first understand HTML, what HTML is, the employment opportunities it provides, and so on. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a standard text formatting language published in 1993…

Learn about the event.currentTarget property in jQuery: A real-life example

The event.currenttarget property in jQuery is used to return the current DOM element during the event bubble phase. event-currentTarget is usually equal to “this”. The syntax is as follows: Parameter: Example 1: The output is as follows: Before clicking: After clicking on any element: Example 2: The output is as follows: Before clicking: After clicking on lsbin:

Conquer JavaScript While Loops: In-Depth Guide with Practical Examples

JavaScript while loop statement: A while loop is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given Boolean condition. A while loop can be thought of as a repetitive if statement. The while loop syntax is as follows: Example: The JavaScript while loop example illustrates the use of JS while loops….

Building a Website to Make Money: How to Make $500+/Month in Passive Income

How to make money with a niche website? How many times have you thought about (or even started) building a niche website with dreams of making thousands of dollars in passive income every month? If you’re like most people who try to make a living on the internet, the idea probably has come up at…

Django interview Q&A and practical tips for beginner developers

Django……Isn’t that your favorite framework? (especially if you’re new to the world of programming). Yes! This is… Have you tried to learn this framework and build some projects? If the answer is yes, then here is the next question…… Do you understand the full process of the project? If the answer is yes, then here’s another question (don’t be upset…