Effective Solutions for Resolving Android’s ‘Low Free Storage’ Error

Insufficient storage space is the main error that occurs in Android. This error mostly occurs in older Android phones and tablets that used to contain only 4 to 8 GB of space. However, the new devices with 32, 64, and 128 GB of space also don’t have much of a shake.

With built-in storage, the size of the app and the size of the movie also increase, which results in taking up more space. When you encounter the storage exhaustion error in Android, you tend to delete unwanted content. Sometimes, after all that has been done, the problem persists. So, instead of going around in circles, you can give the following steps a try:

To remove duplicate files:

How to Fix Android Low Free Storage Error? Duplicate files are the biggest cause of unnecessary storage consumption that goes unnoticed. In any Android, there are many files that are equal to scrap because they cannot be executed. When you download something and it is interrupted, it will ask you to download it again; But what about the huge amount of data that has been downloaded! That doesn’t work, but will take up and litter your storage space.

Searching for duplicate files is like looking for a needle in a haystack. In this case, you’ll need specialized tools to identify and remove such duplicates. Duplicate Files Fixer is one of the most used duplicate file remover apps that works instantly and faster and keeps your data safe. You don’t need all photos of the same pose and time. Unfortunately, manually removing thousands of duplicates doesn’t sound practical. DFF is the best thing since sliced bread. It goes through all your photos and files and gives you a list of duplicates that you can choose to delete. With just one click, Duplicate Files Fixer can delete all duplicate photos and free up your storage space in seconds.

Uninstall unwanted apps:

Solution to Android Insufficient Available Storage Error: By uninstalling unwanted apps, you can kill two birds with one stone. Not only does it save storage space but it also increases the processing speed. You may be in a dilemma when reviewing all the apps and deciding which one to remove. However, freeing up some space with unnecessary stuff can also increase the life of your device’s battery.

To clear the download folder:

How to Fix Android Low Free Storage Error? Your Downloads folder contains a lot of unwanted files. There are a lot of files that don’t need much or are downloaded for a while and then turn into junk. Cleaning up this folder will free up a lot of storage space on your device. If you’re using WhatsApp, make sure to clear the sent folder for your media.

To clear the cache:

Workaround to Android Free Storage Not Error: After following all the steps to free up storage, if your device’s storage is out of storage error persists, you may want to learn about it and clear Android’s cache. Caches are pieces of information that are saved for faster access to content. If you delete the cache manually, you may end up with a large chunk of the cache that hasn’t been deleted. Smart Phone Cleaner is one of the highest-rated junk cleaners that cleans your Android in one click. Its “one-click optimization” allows you to get rid of junk without having to open the app. Smart Phone Cleaner leaves no stone unturned to remove caches and other junk files and maximize storage space.

Overall, running out of storage space is a common problem. Although the memory allowed by the manufacturer must be optimized on a regular basis. Each device comes with a limited amount of memory; It is always advisable to analyze in a timely manner to avoid a situation where you run out of stock. However, the above solutions must fix the problem, if not, you can consider doing a factory reset after backing up your data.