How I Got a PowerProgrammer Information Systems Job at HackWithInfy: My Interview Experience

Every year, they run this competition for students, which basically has a total of 3 rounds followed by a pre-placement interview for PowerProgrammer. The first two rounds are competitive coding and are held on HackerRank for final year B.Tech students.

Online Round: There are first two rounds of online coding:

Second round online: The questions are based on data structures, greed, and string manipulation. If you have fewer than 5,000 students, you will be eligible for the second round.

Round 2 Online: This is a graph based on the tree, and the problem of the greedy algorithm. If you are under 100 years old, you will be required to attend the live Infosys Campus Finals, where you will also be interviewed for a PP role. However, candidates ranked after the top 100 also have the opportunity to be interviewed for PowerProgrammer and SSE positions.

Two rounds of interviews were also conducted at the scene:

Round 1: Technique:-

I was given a coding puzzle and the interviewer gave me about 15 minutes to think about and 5 minutes to write the code. It’s a matter of the tree, and there are some tricks in it. I solved it on paper. Then he asked me about the logic and explanation of what I was doing. My code is right for him.

Then he started asking questions about stacks, queues, DFS, red-black trees, binary trees, B+ trees, shortest path algorithms, etc.

After that, he went on to ask CS basic questions about DBMS, OS, and a question about the sftp network protocol.

The round is about 1 hour long.

I answered about 85% of the questions.

PS: Later I learned that the interviewer was the head 🙂 of AI at Infosys

Round 2: Human Resources:

After the introduction, she first asked me about my weaknesses and then asked me if I was good at teamwork and hobbies. The simplest round is honest.

Got the role.

This was followed by a 24-hour hackathon for the finale.

Visit this website for more information about the competition:

Thank you for reading, hope it helps