Introduction to the latest ASP.Net common interview questions and answers collection

You’re an ASP.NET programmer… Your next job interview is coming… You want to get that job… All this means that you need to be prepared, even though you are knowledgeable in the field. Generally, in a technical job interview, the interviewer will not only ask complex questions, you may even come across some very basic and basic questions that can determine the chances of winning or losing.

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ASP.Net collection of common interview questions and answers

You may need more questions than this set of questions to be fully prepared for the interview. We recommend that you visit the ASP .NET tutorials and courses, where you can find more reading material and get a thorough grasp of ASP.NET.

Question: What is ASP.NET?

A: ASP.NET is an open-source, server-side application framework designed for web developers to generate dynamic web pages using the .NET framework. Developed by Microsoft, it allows programmers to build dynamic websites, web applications, and web services.

What are some ASP.Net common interview questions: What is the ASP.NET MVC framework?

A: ASP.NET MVC is a web application framework for the .NET platform for building full-stack web applications using the Model-View-Controller pattern.

Question: What is the ASP.NET Web API Framework?

A: ASP.NET Web APIs are purely used to build back-end web APIs that can be used by a range of clients, from web to desktop to mobile. It constitutes the server component in a RESTful (Representational State Transfer) architecture.

Question: Which is the right framework for ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET Web APIs?

ASP.Net Interview Question Explained: If you’re going to build a server component that can be easily used by a range of clients, then ASP.NET Web API is the best choice. However, if the project is purely used as a web application, ASP.NET MVC is a more appropriate choice.

Question: What is the web.config file and what is it used for?

A: The web.config file is important because it contains the configuration settings for the application. It separates your entire configuration from your code, so you can easily change settings without having to change your code. It also allows you to potentially encrypt configuration settings for added security.

Question: What kind of compiler is used in ASP.NET?

A: Roslyn is the name of the compiler used by the .NET Framework.

Question: ASP.NET is open source. Interpretation.

A: Microsoft is making the full .NET server stack available as open source, which means it’s “free” to download. This includes ASP.NET, . .NET compiler, . .NET Core runtimes, frameworks, and libraries that enable developers to build with .NET across Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Question: Explain the request process in the ASP.NET MVC framework.

A: The request stream processes the request from the client and passes it to the server. The request hits the controller from the client. The controller plays its role and decides which model to use to further serve the request, passes that model to the view, which then transforms the model and generates the appropriate response to be presented to the client.

Question: Explain the various modes of session state in the ASP.NET?

A: There are several ways to store session state:

  • InProc: Session state is stored in the web server’s memory. This is the default mode.
  • Custom mode: You can specify a custom storage provider.
  • Off mode: Disables session state.
  • OutProc: There are two ways to handle this pattern:
  • StateServer: Session state is stored in a separate process called the State Service. Even if the application server restarts, the session state is preserved and available to multiple web servers.
  • SQLServer: Session state is stored in the database, so session state is preserved even if the web application restarts. Multiple web servers in a web farm can access session state.

Question: Explain the difference between GridView and DataGrid?


Grid viewData grids
Use the PagerSettings property to provide built-in support for pagination, sorting, and in-place editing.Requires custom code for pagination, sorting, and editing.
Use the data source control’s sorting, updating, deleting, and pagination options.By default, only data selection is supported. Updates and deletions require custom code.
Additional column types such as HyperLinkField, ButtonField, and more are supported.Only a limited number of column types are supported.
Support for preoperative and postoperative events.Raise a single event for the action.

Question: How do you explain the difference between ListView and Repeater?


RepeatersThe list is displayed
Flexible layouts introduced in .NET 1.0.Flexible layouts and easy customization introduced by .NET 3.5
There is no built-in support, and custom code should be written for data grouping and pagination.Built-in support for data grouping and pagination.
Update, insert, delete, and sort operations are not supported.All operations are supported.
Deliver better performance.Slower performance compared to repeaters.

What are some common interview questions ASP.Net: Explain Local Resources and Global Resources?


On-premises resourcesGlobal resources
A local resource can only be accessed by the page that created it.All pages are accessible.
It’s hard to maintain when a website has a lot of localized content because each page requires resource files for each language.Only one file is required for each language.
Stored in the App_LocalResources folder.Stored in the App_GlobalResources folder.

Question: Briefly describe globalization and localization?

A: Globalization is the growth of businesses beyond their borders. It involves understanding the laws and regulations of various countries in order to create a business environment. Globalization includes both internalization and localization.

Localization is the process of making a product available to the local market by making it attractive to the local community. In addition to translating web pages in local languages, it also includes local preferences, culture, and regional aspects.

For a stable global business, you need both globalization – through which you can increase the reach of your business and localization – and you can showcase customized content based on local preferences and more.

These contribute to effective targeted marketing and a cohesive global strategy.

ASP.Net collection of common interview questions and answers: What is the difference between user and custom controls?


User controlsCustom controls
Store as a .ascx extension.It is a .dll extension.
They have a visual interface.There is no visual interface for these controls.
does not appear in the toolbox and has no design support; Loaded at runtime.It can be added to the toolbox and used in a variety of applications without recompilation.
If we need site-specific controls, user controls are a good choice.Custom controls can be created for use in a variety of applications.

Question: Interpreting server controls in ASP.NET?

ASP.Net Interview Question Analysis: Server controls are the main controls in ASP.NET and are divided into the following groups:

  • Validation controls: These controls validate user input by running client-side scripts
  • Data Source Control: Used to provide data binding for multiple data sources.
  • Data View Controls: These controls are used to view/display list and tabular data fetched from the data source
  • Login and security controls: Used for user authentication
  • Master pages: Used to provide a consistent interface and layout throughout the application
  • Rich controls: These are used to implement special features such as file uploads, calendar controls, AdRotator, etc.
  • Navigation controls: Help navigate menus, tree views, and more
  • Personalization controls: Used to personalize the page based on user information and preferences

Question: Explain the various page events in ASP.NET?

A: The various page events in ASP.NET are:

Page requestsThis event occurs before the start of the lifecycle. Whenever a user requests a page, the ASP.NET parses and compiles the page.
BeginSet properties such as request and response, and use this event to determine the type of request
initializeThis event sets the UniqueID property for each control and applies the master page to the page.
renderingIn this case, the ‘Render’ method is called for each control. The text writer writes the output (view state) to the OutputStream object of the page’s Response property
loadIf the page request is a postback, the control properties load the information,
Postback event handlingIf the page request is a postback, the event handler is called through this event. After that, the Validate method of all validator controls is called
unloadThis event occurs after the requested page is fully rendered and ready to stop. Uninstall all properties and complete the cleanup.

Question: Define a connection string in the Web.config file?

A: The connection string contains information about the data source and how to connect to it.

The connection string is added as follows:

    <add name="myConnection" connectionString="server=localhost;database=mydatabase;" />

Q: Explain the difference between Web.config and Machine.config files?


Web page configurationMachine configuration files
Stores configuration settings for a specific web application.Specify configuration settings for all websites hosted on the web server.
Located in the root directory of the application.Located at $WINDOWSDIR$\Microsoft.Net\Framework\Version\Config
Override the settings in the machine.config file.It is a master file that provides default settings that can be overridden.

Question: Explain the Global.asax file?

A: It is an optional file, also known as an application file for ASP.NET. It contains code that responds to session-level and application-level events raised by the HTTP module or ASP.NET.

Question: What is the difference between a website and a web application?


siteWeb application
Contains static content that is publicly available to all visitors.Dynamic and interactive content.
The content is available to everyone to read, but cannot be changed or manipulated.End users can read and manipulate restricted data.
These are mostly informational websites, so identity verification is not mandatory.Authentication is required as they provide more features and options to users.
It’s simple to create because you just need to load and update the information.Because of the interaction with the end user, web applications are complex and perform more functions.
A website is a complete product that can be accessed through a browser.It is part of the whole website. It is not directly accessible.
No precompilation required, just refresh the HTML code.Pre-compilation is required before deployment.

Question: Interpreting view states? As well as its pros and cons.

A: Let’s say a user submits a form with a validation error or the page refreshes after the user enters a lot of information on the page. In this case, the information that the user has already written will be lost and he/she will have to fill everything in again. To avoid this, ASP.NET uses ViewState, which retains the value that the user has already entered. It is a built-in state management technology for saving form data.


  • Ensure security as the data is stored in an encrypted format.
  • No server resources are being used.
  • The ViewState property can be easily enabled or disabled.
  • Developers can develop at the page level or at the control level as needed.


  • If a large amount of data is stored, it may take longer than needed for the page to load.
  • Data is not transferred from one page to another (between pages).

Question: Explain cookies in ASP.NET?

Answer: A cookie is a part of the text that stores user-specific data. Cookies are stored on the user’s hard drive by the browser and are used when the user requests a specific page. Based on date and time information stored as part of the data, cookies help to improve the user experience and load pages faster. In ASP, cookies can be created and retrieved. There are two types of cookies in ASPs – persistent and non-persistent.

What are some ASP.Net common interview questions: Explain the purpose of web services in ASP.NET?

A: ASP.NET can create Web services, which are nothing more than programs that use XML to exchange data with other software programs over common Internet protocols. We may use web services to communicate with any object over the Internet.

Web services are language-independent, platform-independent, protocol-independent, self-describing, and programmable.

Problem: Explain the application domain concept in ASP.NET with an example.

A: An application domain or application domain in ASP.NET is a lightweight process that has its own set of code, configuration, and data settings. It is a logical boundary that separates one application from access or interference from other applications. Application domains help make better use of resources by using fewer processes to execute different applications. For example, ASP.NET is a runtime host that creates a different application domain for each user who accesses a website. These can be created and set up for applications that need to isolate code or dynamically load extensions.

Question: What is the query string in ASP? And what are its pros and cons?

A: A query string is a method of transferring data between pages using a browser URL. It is appended to the URL using the question mark symbol (?). For example

Pros: Easy to use, no server resources required, supported by all browsers, included in HTTP requests for URLs

Disadvantages: The URL length cannot be greater than 255 characters; Data is directly visible to everyone who compromises security.

Question: What is tracing in .NET?

A: Tracing in .NET enables people to trace the execution path of a page, debug applications, and display diagnostic information at runtime. Trace messages can be accessed and manipulated from within your code for more granular control to add more detail. Trace data is organized into a set of tables by ASP.NET.

Question: Why do we use CheckBox in .NET?

A: Checkboxes are used to get multiple inputs from the user. Users can choose multiple options from the given options. If you set the checkbox to yes/no or true/false, the checkbox value is true when you select it, otherwise it is false.

Question: Interpreting HTML Server Controls in ASP.NET?

A: HTML server controls provide automatic state and server-side event management. These are HTML elements with the runat=server attribute. The HTML server control properties and output are the same as their equivalent HTML markup. These controls are compiled when the ASP.NET application is compiled.

Question: Briefly describe the application of state management in ASP.NET? Add an example.

ASP.Net Interview Question Analysis: HTTP is stateless, i.e., it does not remember the user’s state, such as the websites, requests, and URLs he has visited before. However, for some requests, we need to keep the state of the application until the end, and ASP.NET has two ways to do this:

  • Client state management: In this way, state information is stored directly on the client machine. Whenever there is a user request, the required information is transmitted back and forth to fulfill the request and response – e.g., cookies, query strings.
  • Server-side state management: In this approach, state information is stored in user memory. There are more security domains on the server side as compared to the client side. Application state and session state belong to server-side state management, including In-Proc, State Server, and SQL Server.

ASP.Net Collection of Common Interview Questions and Answers: Describe Login Controls in ASP? Also, add the source code and examples.

A: The login control provides a secure login solution with a user interface and properties for customizing the display of text fields, messages, and links to forgotten passwords and other pages.

We can modify the existing LoginControl and choose the format. Login control properties can be written in HTML as follows:

<form id="form1" runat="server">  
 <asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server" BackColor="#FFFFFF" BorderColor="#CDCC99" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Times New Roman" Font-Size="10pt">  
 <TitleTextStyle BackColor="#6B6B6B" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#E9967A" />  
These can be set in CSS file too:
      font-family:Times New Roman;    

We can use the CssClass property to apply CSS to the control:

<asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server" CssClass="LoginControl">  

Question: What does “PostBack” mean in ASP.NET?

A: Postbacks occur when a user takes some action, such as submitting a form, to send information from a page to a server for processing via the POST method.

Problem: Briefly explain the ASP.NET page lifecycle.

Answer: ASP.NET goes through a series of stages in the life cycle of each page.

  • Page requests. A user requests a page. ASP.NET decides whether to compile or to serve it from the cache.
  • page starts. Request and response objects are created.
  • Page initialization. Initialize all page controls, and apply any themes.
  • Page loads. ASP.NET Use the view state and control state properties to set control properties. The default value is set in the control.
  • Postback event handling. This event is triggered if the same page is loaded again.
  • Rendering. ASP.NET Saves the view state of the page and writes the rendered output to the output stream. It happens before the complete web page is sent to the user.
  • Unload. The rendered page is sent to the client. ASP.NET Uninstall the page properties and perform a cleanup. Remove all unwanted objects from memory.

Question: What is the view state in ASP.NET?

A: The view state is where the data is used during postback event processing to preserve the page values and control values of the web form. Data can be stored as a hidden field on the client-side web page.

Question: What is the difference between custom and user controls?

A: Custom controls are basically compiled code, i.e., DLLs. These can be easily added to the toolbox, so they can be easily used in multiple projects with a drag-and-drop method. These controls are difficult to create. But user controls (.ascx) are like pages (.aspx). These are relatively easy to create, but tightly coupled to the user interface and code.

Question: What are the different validators in ASP.NET?

A: The ASP.NET validation control defines an important role in validating user input data. Whenever a user provides input, it must always be validated before sending it to the various layers of the application. There are two types of validation in ASP.NET:

  • Client Verification
  • Server-side validation

Client-side authentication: When authentication is done on a client-side browser, it is referred to as client-side authentication. You can use JavaScript for client-side authentication.

Server-side validation: When validation occurs on a server, it is referred to as server-side validation. Server-side verification is a secure form of authentication. The main advantage of server-side validation is that if the user bypasses client-side authentication, the problem can be discovered on the server side.

Here are the validation controls in ASP.NET:

  • RequiredFieldValidator control
  • Compare validator controls
  • Scope validator controls
  • Regular expression validator controls
  • Customize the field validator control
  • Verify the summary

Question: What does the Finalize method in ASP.NET do?

A: The Finalize method is used to perform a cleanup operation on unmanaged resources held by an object. It places an object in the finalization queue. The object will then be collected by the garbage collector and ready for cleanup.

Question: What is RedirectPermanent in ASP.Net?

Answer: RedirectPermanent performs a permanent redirect from the requested URL to the specified URL. Once the redirect is complete, it also returns an HTTP 301 status code to the browser.

Question: What does the LoginStatus control do?

A: The LoginStatus control is used to display login/logoff links based on the login/authorization status of the current user. If the user successfully logs in, a logout link is displayed.

Question: What is a repeater control and what templates does the repeater support?

A: The Repeater is a data-bound control. Data-bound controls are container controls. It creates a link between the data source and the presentation UI to display the data. The recurrence control is used to display a list of duplicate items. A repeater has five inline templates to format it:

  • Displays and applies different styles to the title text of the data source collection.
  • Change the background color or style of alternate items in a data source collection.
  • It defines how each item is rendered from a collection of data sources.
  • It determines the delimiter element that separates each item in the delimited item collection. It could be one or
    HTML element.
  • Displays the footer element of the data source collection.

Question: What are the different session state management options in ASP.NET?

A: In-process and out-of-process are two session state management options.

  • In-Process stores sessions in the memory of the web server.
  • Out-of-process session state management stores data on an external server. All objects stored in a session need to be serializable.

Question: What is the difference between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect?

A: Server. Transfer sends information from one web request to another, all on the server side. Responses are not sent to the browser. Response.Redirect, on the other hand, sends an HTTP 302 message to the browser and causes a redirect in the browser.

Question: What is fragment caching?

A: Fragment caching refers to caching a single user control in a Web Form. Each user control can have an independent implementation of the cache duration and how the cache behavior is applied. Fragment caching is useful when you only need to cache a subset of pages.

Question: What is a web control in ASP.NET?

A: Web controls are classes in the .NET Framework. Controls have special labels that the server understands. They are created on the server and require a run at=”server” attribute to execute. They generate HTML code that is sent back to the browser.

Question: Please give some examples of web controls.


  • button
  • Calendar
  • A list of checkboxes
  • drop-down list
  • A list of radio buttons

Q: What is a web service?

A: In the .NET context, a Web service is a component that resides on a Web server and provides information and services to other web applications using standard Web protocols, such as HTTP and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).

Question: What is the difference between a session object and an application object?

A: The difference between a session object and an application object is that all users share an application object, whereas a session object is one session object per user. The data stored in an application object can be shared by all sessions of the application. Application objects store data in key-value pairs. Session objects store session-specific information and is only visible within the session. ASP.NET creates a unique SessionId for each session of your application. The SessionID is maintained by an HTTP cookie or a modified URL, as set in the application configuration settings. By default, the SessionID value is stored in a cookie.

Question: What is caching and what are the benefits of using it?

A: Caching is a mechanism that improves application performance by storing data in memory for faster access. When an application accesses data from a cache (i.e., in memory) instead of fetching data from the original data store (possibly a database), it certainly improves performance. But the benefits of caching aren’t limited to performance; It also improves the scalability and usability of the application.

What are the ASP.Net common interview questions: What are the types of identity verification in ASP.NET?

A: There are three types of authentication available in ASP.NET:

  • Windows authentication: This authentication method uses built-in Windows security features to authenticate users.
  • Form authentication: Authenticate against a custom list of users or users in the database.
  • Passport authentication: Validate against the Microsoft Passport service, which is basically a centralized authentication service.

Question: What is ASP.NET AJAX?

ASP.Net Interview Question Analysis: Microsoft provides an implementation of AJAX functionality called ASP.NET AJAX. AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It’s a cross-platform technology that speeds up response times and reduces traffic between clients and servers. ASP.NET AJAX is a set of extensions to ASP.NET with reusable AJAX controls.

Question: What is a REST architecture?

A: REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style used to design applications that dictates the use of HTTP for communication calls, rather than complex mechanisms like CORBA, RPC, or SOAP. There are few principles associated with the REST architectural style:

  • Everything is a resource, i.e., files, images, videos, web pages, etc.
  • Each resource is identified by a unique identifier.
  • Use a simple and uniform interface.
  • Everything is done through representation (sending a request from the client to the server and receiving a response from the server to the client).
  • Stateless – Each request should be a separate request.

ASP.Net collection of common interview questions and answers: ASP.NET is a cross-platform explanation.

A: ASP.NET applications can be developed and run on any operating system such as Windows, Linux, macOS, and Docker. Hence it is called a cross-platform framework.

Question: What is Razor in ASP.NET

A: Razor is a markup syntax that lets you embed server-based code (Visual Basic and C#) into web pages. Server-based code creates dynamic web content on the fly while writing web pages to the browser. When a web page is invoked, the server executes the server-based code within the page before returning the page to the browser. By running on a server, the code can perform complex tasks, such as accessing a database. Razor is based on ASP.NET and is designed specifically for creating web applications. It has the power of traditional ASP.NET marking, but is easier to use and learn.

Question: What is ASP.NET Core?

A: ASP.NET Core is an open-source and cross-platform version of ASP.NET. The Windows-only version of ASP.NET that existed before ASP.NET Core is often referred to simply as ASP.NET.