Safe Driving Tips at Intersections for Beginners: Essential Guidelines to Follow

An intersection is an intersection where multiple roads meet each other. You’ll find that intersections are the most complicated part because at intersections, a lot of vehicles move in different directions. Studies show that about 50% of collisions and 20% of fatal car accidents occur at intersections. There are few defensive safe driving tips at intersections, which can have the effect of reducing the incidence of collisions.

6 Tips for Safe Driving at Intersections Beginners Must Know

Check the intersection

What are some driving tips at intersections? Before crossing an intersection, you obviously want to make sure that the area is safe. Always approach the intersection and wait for other traffic and pedestrians.

Our first tip in our safe driving tips at intersections is to look to both sides again before entering the intersection. Pay special attention to pedestrians and actively look for them when turning.

Stay focused and attentive

Attention when driving is key. Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Concentrate in interactions. Avoid any kind of social media that likes loud music or conversations, or uses distracting phones. Keep your hands on the steering wheel and be ready to brake if necessary. Because of a small mistake in the interaction, a collision can happen at any time. So, make sure you pay full attention to the drivers around you.

Turn around wisely

Effective cornering is a strong point for experienced drivers. Source:

Look left and right to see where the other vehicles are and what their intentions are at the intersection. Make a reference point later that will help you keep the vehicle in the middle of the road.

Turning wisely is another tip for safe driving tips at intersectionsKeep the reference point in sight while driving and turning. Move the vehicle safely and don’t hit anything, especially the rear.

Speed limit

Think twice when speeding. Source: Shutterstock

What are some driving tips at intersections? Quick turns at intersections are one of the main contributors to safe driving tips at intersections. When turning, you should always drive safely and slow down to 5 MPH. This will improve your reaction time and parking distance. It will allow you to increase the margin of safety to avoid accidents.

Stay safe near traffic lights

Traffic lights are the best guide for beginners. Cre: Saad Akhtar

According to our recommendations, drivers should not continue driving when the signal light is green. The road is a dangerous place, so in order to identify other vehicles, it is important to look both sides first.

Look ahead for traffic and wait until there is enough space on the other side of the intersection for your car to park. Remember to always stop and never run a red light. No one wants to risk their lives just to save a few seconds, that’s for sure.

When you’re turning at a red light, first make sure there are no limits. This is not only one of the tips for driving safely at intersections, but also to protect your wallet from being fined. Then check all vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, including oncoming traffic on both sides. When the arrow indicates a left turn, you move on. If it is legal to have no arrows at an intersection, then be aware of incoming traffic before turning.

In addition, car owners should never stop and turn in the center. This not only increases the risk of accidents, but also causes traffic congestion for the vehicles behind. Assess your speed under the yellow light. When you have time to cross the intersection, move forward cautiously, but it is best not to move forward if the time is short. At intersections where traffic lights don’t work, treat them like intersections with stop signs.

Make an intersection

Other vehicles are also respected. Source: Extreme Technologies

What are some driving tips at intersections? First, don’t enter an intersection when there is traffic jam on either side. Drivers should wait for the clearing to pass through the intersection.

Second, don’t change lanes in the middle of an intersection. It’s dangerous and completely illegal, so wait at the intersection until you change lanes.

Third, be extra cautious at intersections in case any vehicle stops suddenly. This is true in any case, because you never know what will happen on the road.

Last but not least, always be aware of which activities of other drivers can avoid danger.


If everyone understands and follows the safe driving tips at intersections, the crash rate will definitely drop. In addition to following the rules, driving etiquette is the number one measure to improve road safety. Be polite to other drivers and be a safe driver.