Unlocking the Advantages of Reverse Parking: Why You Should Always Back Into Parking Spaces

Did you know that thousands of people were injured, some of them even killed by drivers reversing from driveways and parking lots? Sounds unbelievable, right? Well, there is an easy way to stop this madness. Do backing into parking spaces, so there is no need to retreat.

You can see everyone reversing in parallel parking spaces. Doing the same thing perpendicular to the wall will greatly reduce the lane accident rate.

Why do you want to reverse into a parking space?

Nowadays, reversing is easier because most modern cars have parking assist systems and reversing cameras. But why reverse parking when it seems more convenient to go straight to a parking space?

Well, here are some good arguments in favor of reversing parking spaces:

Stopping ahead can lead to accidents. (Image source: tabletmag)

Easier to do

It’s always easier to reverse into an empty parking space than it is to reverse into a busy street. Maneuvering time may be similar to forward parking, but it’s easier and safer.

This is because the orientation of the rear wheels with respect to the car does not change, which will make the pivot point of the car in the middle of the rear axle. As a result, the rear wheels will cut into corners because they don’t follow the same patches as the front wheels. When parking is limited, your turning circle may not be small enough to enter tight spaces, which will force you to walk straight a few times to get in.

Obviously, you have little space in the parking lot to maneuver your car straight into space. Then, you have to stand straight inside the space itself. The pivot at the rear of the car is not easy to handle and often causes others to keep half of it out of the position in order to stay straight. In contrast, when you book, you place the pivot point in a position where you can get easier and more perfect access to the parking space.

Why is a reversing parking space better? (Image source: Pinterest)

The safety of others and you

Why do you want to reverse into a parking space? Reversing parking is not only for convenience, but also for safer, especially in busy parking lots. Obviously, you’re more likely to see pedestrians, shopping carts, toddlers, and other vehicles approaching.

When you reverse into a designated parking space, you can drive forward when you go out. This means that you can better observe your surroundings when you come out and avoid hitting oncoming vehicles or pedestrians. In addition, reversing parking means that the trunk of the car will be leaning against the wall of the parking area. It prevents thieves from breaking into vehicles.

Easy access to the engine

If you need to use the engine when parking for any reason, reversing into a parking space is the right choice. You can easily check what’s going on under the hood.

Convenience in case of emergency

In the event of an emergency, you can drive your vehicle directly out of the parking lot. If you park in front of you, you won’t be able to enjoy this convenience.

Always reverse-up and stop to reap these benefits and avoid unnecessary risks and hazards. If you don’t know how to reverse, skip to the next section.

Modern cars are more prone to reversing. (Image source: howcast)

How to get back to the parking space

Why do you want to reverse into a parking space? Reversing into a parking space is not complicated. If you’re doing this for the first time, follow these instructions:

  1. Drive your car to a parking space so that the bumper stays slightly in front of the designated position. Turn on the emergency flashing lights so that other drivers know your intentions.
  2. Before shifting the gearbox into reverse, check the front and rear oncoming vehicles and pedestrians. Turn the steering wheel to the right when reversing and straighten the steering wheel when the vehicle enters the pit stop.
  3. Continue to do this until your car’s nose is aligned with the noses of the other vehicles in that row. Shift the transmission to “Stop” and you’re done.


All in all, there are two main advantages to reversing into a parking space, namely safety/line of sight and mobility. For your information, most Brits know how to book a parking space, as they have to learn four “tricks” to pass the driving test, including reversing into a parking space.