12 Best Jupyter Notebook Extension Collection: Which One Is Better?

Which Jupyter Notebook extension is better? Data science is more than just mining and analyzing data. A good data scientist needs to be able to present data to non-technical people in a way that they can understand. Of course, this can be done in a series of PowerPoint slides. However, there are tools that are specifically designed for this purposeWhich jupyter-notebook extension is better

Jupyter Notebook is more than just a text editor. It’s a tool that lets you run code in a document and display the output. It can print text, draw graphics, and query data within a single working frame. Jupyter Notebooks are web-based, making them platform-independent and accessible from a variety of devices.

What are the best Jupyter Notebook extensions? The bare installation of Jupyter Notebooks has the core functionality needed to code and display data analysis. However, there is a lot of efficiency that can be gained by installing a small number of extensions, transforming the authoring experience from a tedious process to a smooth one. It’s a lot like writing code in Sublime Text after getting used to an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and here’s a complete collection of the best Jupyter Notebook extensions.

How to install the Jupyter Notebook extension

pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

If your system doesn’t recognize the pip command, you’ll need to install it from the command line first.

py -m pip –version

Once you have installed Nbextensions, the process of installing the extension is as simple as running a Jupyter Notebook and navigating to the Nbextensions tabs that are now available.

Just tick the extension you want to install, and the rest will be done behind the scenes.

A collection of 12 essential Best Jupyter Notebook Extensions

At the time of writing, there are a number of extensions available for you to install. But which is most likely to affect your productivity working with a Jupyter laptop? We checked and picked the brightest dozen.

Move selected cell

Keyboard shortcuts are great for efficiency. One of my favorite keyboard shortcuts when coding is to move a line up or down. This extension does the same thing, but is used to move cells up or down. Once installed, you can move cells around using Alt-up and Alt-down.


What are the best Jupyter Notebook extensions? Anyone who has ever written code in a plain text editor, when they’re used to writing code with autocomplete? Knowing the pain of not installing. Tabnine takes it a step further and uses AI for intelligent, fast, and accurate autocomplete instead of giving you a complete list of possibilities.

A Code Prettifier

Quickly styling a piece of code isn’t just useful for messy writers. Code beautification is useful when you modify existing code and leave some unwanted spaces. Code Prettifier is a quick and easy way to make your code look better and have a more consistent style.

You may need to install some dependencies to make A Code Prettifier work, so if not, check your dependencies. For the default python implementation, run pip install yapf.

Collapsible Headings

Which Jupyter Notebook extension is better? This nifty extension modifies the way titles are displayed, allowing readers to collapse and expand them. Once installed, all of your titles can be collapsed, but you can choose from a variety of ways to do so. For example, you can have Mathematica-style groupings, ellipses with gray parentheses, or toggle controls.


Sometimes, the code in a Jupyter notebook cell takes a while to run. While the kernel processes the code, the user may exit the browser window to do something else and forget to check. Notify solves this problem by sending a browser notification when the unit finishes running. It doesn’t automatically notify all cells and allows users to decide when they’re prompted.


Introducing the Best Jupyter Notebook Extensions Collection: If you’re anything like me, you’re spending more time searching for code snippets on Google than typing code. Snippets is a handy menu extension that lets you quickly import a large number of code snippets directly into your code. Snippets are highly customizable, allowing to reduce menu size by removing unwanted submenus and adding your own code snippets.

Tree filter (file search)

What are the best Jupyter Notebook extensions? A quick search tool that helps you easily find the files you need in the Files tab. This extension is simple and pure benefit.


Autopep8 is another code formatter similar to A Code Prettifier. Autopep8 only works with python and may require you to install it from the command line using the following command:

pip install autopep8

It works in much the same way, but you might prefer one over the other.

Execute Time

Execution time sounds simple. It makes the cells display the execution start time and duration. This is especially useful for code that takes a while to process. It can be enabled and disabled at the user’s discretion.


Which Jupyter Notebook extension is better? A simple extension that will highlight the currently selected word and all matching words in the document. It’s useful to quickly see where variables or functions are being used, as well as other repeated words.


What are the best Jupyter Notebook extensions? Instead of repeatedly changing your code to get the information you need, you can use Scratchpad and then painstakingly undo your changes. Scratchpad allows you to run code against the current kernel without modifying any code. You can use it to test potential changes or just generate some of the results you need on the fly.


Introducing the Best Jupyter Notebook Extension Collection: Codefolding is a rendering extension that supports collapsing code snippets. It can be collapsed according to the hierarchy of code, which can be handy when reading large pieces of code.

After you install these extensions, you’ll be more efficient and comfortable using Jupyter Notebooks. Whether you need enhanced rendering, save time with code snippets, or use sophisticated auto-completion features, there are extensions available to do just that. Your speech will be improved and your work will be better as a result.