A detailed guide to arithmetic and instruction pipelines

1. Arithmetic Pipeline: The arithmetic pipeline divides the arithmetic problem into various sub-problems for execution in various pipeline segments. It is used for floating-point arithmetic, multiplication, and various other calculations. The diagram shows a process or flowchart arithmetic pipeline for floating-point addition. Use the arithmetic pipeline for floating-point addition: In this case, the following sub-operations are performed: Start…

App Requirements Document Example: How to Write a Mobile App Product Requirements Document?

How to write an app requirements document? In this article, we will discuss the critical role of requirements in mobile app development. What are the types of requirements and what is the right way to develop them? Scroll down and get sample mobile app requirements documentation to help you get started. Why write a Product Requirements Document…

Introduction and usage analysis of void pointers in C/C++

A null pointer is a pointer that doesn’t have any associated data types. A null pointer can hold any type of address and can convert its type to any type. Advantages of void pointers: Please note that the above programs are compiled in C, but not in C++. In C++, we have to explicitly convert the return value of malloc…

Java vs. JavaScript: What are the important differences?

In this Java vs. JavaScript tutorial, let’s discuss the main differences between Java and JavaScript, an important scripting language, with simple examples: Java is an object-oriented programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and helps you create platform-independent programs (write once, run anywhere – WORA). Java is used for both client-side and server-side…

A detailed guide to the use of JavaScript ternary operators

The following is an example of a ternary operator. Example: Procedure 1: The output is as follows: A “question mark” or “conditional” operator is a ternary operator in JavaScript that has three operands. The syntax is as follows: Condition: To evaluate the expression, it returns a boolean value. If true: The value to be executed when…

Modify the binary tree to get the pre-order traversal using only the right pointer

Given a binary tree. Make a modification so that after the modification, it can be traversed in order using only the correct pointers. During modification, you can use both the right and left pointers. Example: Recommended: Try the following {IDE} first, before proceeding with the solution. Method 1 (Recursive) You need to make the right pointer of the…

Introduction to Tkinter Development – Python GUI Development

Graphical user interface (GUI) is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with a computer through visual indicators using icons, menus, windows, and other items. It has advantages over the Command Line Interface (CLI), where the user can interact with the computer simply by writing commands using the keyboard and its usage…

Use the method of summing the elements of the array to N that allow repeating

Given a set of m different positive integers and the value “N”. The problem is to calculate the total number of “N” formed by summing the elements of the array. Duplication and different arrangements are allowed. Example: Method: This method is based on the concept of dynamic programming. Here’s an implementation of the above method. C ++…

Counts the minimum number of edits to convert from one string to another| DP-5

Given two strings str1 and str2 and operations below them, operations can be performed on str1. Find out the minimum number of edits (operations) required to convert ‘str1’ to ‘str2’. All of the above operating costs are equal. Example: In this case, what are the sub-issues? The idea is to process all the characters one by one…