More than 10 examples of Linux killing processes are explained in detail

In this tutorial, we’ll talk about killing processes in Linux with several examples. In most cases, it’s as simple as typing the “kill” command followed by the process ID (often abbreviated as PID). As shown in the Linux kill process usage example above, we killed a process with ID 1813. How does Linux kill processes?…

Introduction to the latest ASP.Net common interview questions and answers collection

You’re an ASP.NET programmer… Your next job interview is coming… You want to get that job… All this means that you need to be prepared, even though you are knowledgeable in the field. Generally, in a technical job interview, the interviewer will not only ask complex questions, you may even come across some very basic…

How do I use Selenium in Python for automatic login? Detailed tutorials

This article walks you through how to use the Selenium library with Chrome drivers to automatically log in to websites and verify successful logins in Python. How does Python Selenium automatically login? Controlling a web browser from a program is useful in many scenarios, and example use cases are website text automation and web scraping….

How do I create and use ConfigMap in Kubernetes? Step-by-step guide

Introduce ConfigMaps are a useful Kubernetes feature that allows you to maintain lightweight, portable images by separating configuration settings. Using small, layered images is one of the best practices for building efficient Kubernetes clusters. Using ConfigMaps can help you achieve this goal. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and use a ConfigMap, including…