Optimizing Docker Image Size: Strategies for Keeping It Small

Introduce Docker images are the basic components used to build Docker containers. Despite being closely related, there are significant differences between Docker images and containers. Docker images are the foundation of containers. These images are created by writing Dockerfiles, which are lists of instructions that are automatically executed to create a specific Docker image. How…

Predicting Breast Cancer Diagnosis: A Machine Learning Example Using Logistic Regression

Data set: It is one of the challenges posed by Kaggle in the UCI Machine Learning repository It is a dataset of breast cancer patients with malignant and benign tumors. Logistic regression is used to predict whether a given patient will have a malignant or benign tumor based on the attributes in a given data set. code:loading libraries Code: Load the dataset…

Insights from a Postman Software Engineering Internship Interview (Off-Campus, 2020)

The postman also had a software engineering internship this year as in previous years. The types of problems and patterns are basically the same. They offer a six-month internship with a monthly stipend and a full-time opportunity upon successful completion. The remuneration depends on the performance of the internship. Therefore, there are four rounds: Round 1 – Online Coding: This round…

Exploring the Top 13 Open Source SIEM Tools for Enterprise Security

Choosing the right security information and event management software can be overwhelming, but what are the open source SIEM tools? This article is a complete ranking of SIEM open source tools. Today’s SIEM market is a nearly $3 billion industry and growing. Gartner predicts that spending on SIEM technology will grow to nearly $3.4 billion by 2021. When considering…

A Comprehensive Guide: Using Google Custom Search Engine API in Python

How to use the Google Custom Search Engine API? Learn how to create your own Google custom search engine and use its application programming interface (API) in Python. Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) is a developer-friendly search engine that allows you to include a search engine in your application, whether it’s a website, mobile app,…

MySQL Performance Tuning: 14 Optimization Tips

Introduce MySQL is a popular open-source database application that stores and structures data in a meaningful and easily accessible way. For large applications, the sheer volume of data can cause performance issues. How Do I Optimize a MySQL Database? This guide provides some tuning tips on how to improve the performance of your MySQL database. prerequisite…

Understanding C# TextBox Controls: A Guide for Developers

In Windows Forms, TextBox plays an important role. With TextBox, users can enter data in the application, which can be single or multi-line. TextBox is a class that defines the System.Windows.Forms namespace below. In C#, you can create a TextBox in two different ways: 1. Design time: This is the easiest way to create a TextBox,…

Programming Basics: A Detailed Guide to Loop Statements in Java

Loops in programming languages are a feature that facilitates the repeated execution of a set of instructions/functions when evaluated true under certain conditions. Java provides three ways to execute loops. Although all of them provide similar basic functionality, they differ in their syntax and condition checking times. while loop: The while loop is a control flow statement…

Comprehensive Guide to PHP Imagick Functions

The Imagick function is used to create and modify images using the ImageMagick API. ImageMagick is a software suite for creating, editing, and modifying bitmap images. This feature reads, writes, and converts images in a variety of formats, including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Requirements: PHP 5.1.3 and ImageMagick 6.2.4 are required…